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My Journey so far, first 6 Munros Completed Lily

My Journey so far, first 6 Munros Completed Lily

13th July 2023

Meet Lily, a 12-year-old girl who loves hiking and helping others. She and her dad have decided to take on an amazing challenge: climbing 20 Munros in Scotland in just three months! They are doing this to raise money for Breast Cancer, a cause that is close to their hearts.

Lily says she wants to make a difference and inspire other young people to get outdoors and enjoy nature. She also hopes to raise awareness and support for those who are affected by this disease. Lily and her dad have already completed 6 Munros. They are having a lot of fun and learning new things along the way. They are very grateful for all the donations and encouragement they have received so far. If you want to join them in their adventure and help them reach their target, you can visit their fundraising page and follow their progress by watching out for some more amazing video blog. Let's cheer them on and show them some love!

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