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Haldane Youth Services Article November 2021

Haldane Youth Services Article November 2021

30th November 2021

November! the month when the dark nights draw in and summer fades into a distant memory as the cold begins to snap, the seasons maybe changing but the fun is continuing at Haldane Youth Services.

During this month we delivered 38 sessions to 141 young people, with an impressive 516 encounters across all 4 of our projects. We also have continued our Raising Stars sessions with the local childminders, during the month the group have worked extremely well creating their own unique Christmas art and Crafts.

Two of our amazing Volunteers Pauline and Molly have continued with their weekly food drops to families in the local community, all foods are in partnership with Co-op Food Share and topped up monthly by community members and McDonald’s Staff collection, once again a huge thank you to all that are involved. Our highlights this month include the continued success of our partnership with West Dunbartonshire Futsal on a Wednesday, with our young people learning new football skills and tricks each week, which they are putting into practice outside the service in their own football teams. The build up to Christmas has also begun in the service with our sessions now including Christmas arts and crafts, and our cooking class on a Tuesday even making Christmas tree pizzas. Next month we are looking forward to continuing the build up to Christmas, with it being topped off with our planned trip to the Christmas panto on the 23rd December.

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